Reflection: Overveiw

What will I change for A2 and why?

1.Speak more openly 
If we had, as a group, been more open about our feelings towards our original idea then we would have had more time to change it and work on the new idea. So going forward this year I believe we should have group time for think tanking how we can improve and more forward.

2.Focus more on casting
The issue we had last time was not beginning casting soon enough meaning we had limited options. This year we shall look into locations we could find actors who are interested and will be able to fulfill what we ask.

3.Use class time more efficiently
Although we always used to try our hardest to do as much as we could in class, sometimes deciding what to work on and who was going to do it took up more time than it should, so for A2 we will be more concise in distributing tasks.

4. Research new techniques
Due to this years task being a trailer I feel that we are able to experiment further with filming and editing techniques. Last year I learnt about Bokeh and split screen editing so I am intrigued to discover further techniques this year.

5.Take into account conditions for shooting
For shooting days we always ensured we had all the props and equipment we needed however our personal prep lacked as during re shooting we underestimated the weather and lacked gloves meaning filming took its toll, decreasing morale and efficiency. 

This project focus on theme throughout will be very important to piece all the separate shots and locations together. We will have to be more careful in ensuring our theme is consistent throughout and is clear.

7.Set deadlines 
Another good idea moving forward this year is to create personal and group deadlines for work to keep us on track.

8.Be more creative with my blog posts
I hope to experiment further with presentation techniques and the layout of my blog. I will also take time to check my blog regularly to spot mistakes and make improvements.

9.Connect more with the audience
I feel that this year we should spend more time engaging with out audience and doing a deeper review into what they are interested in and would like to see.

Finally I think we should prepare and gather appropriate music ideas at an earlier stage in the preparation as in the last project it was difficult and time consuming to find music to fit what we had shot compared with fitting the scenes with already chosen music.


  1. Very interesting to focus on the way that you communicated as a team; it's one of the essentials of a good crew and enhances creativity. Ms Page


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